Server Ultimate
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Hosting Features
Renewal Price: $800.00/mo
CPU Minutes: Unmetered
SSD Storage: 1024 GB
Free Daily Backups: Yes
Free Restore: Yes
Backup on Demand: Yes
Website Optimization
PHP-FPM and OPcache: Yes
Memcached: Yes
Redis: Yes
mod_brotli: Yes
mod_deflate: Yes
mod_expires: Yes
Email Features
Email Accounts: Unlimited
Webmail: Yes
Email Forwarding: Yes
Outgoing Messages: Unlimited
Maximum Mailbox Size: 1024 GB
Secure IMAP/POP3/SMTP: Yes
WordPress Features
One-click WordPress Installer: Yes
One-Click WordPress Optimization: Yes
Staging and Live Sites: Yes
WordPress Management: Yes
WordPress Backups: Yes
Database Features
MySQL Databases: Unlimited
MySQL Minutes: Unlimited
MySQL Execution Time: 300 seconds*
MySQL Disk Usage: 1024 GB
MySQL Users: Unlimited
MySQL Remote Access: Yes
Developer Features
GIT: Yes
SSH and SFTP: Yes
FTP and FTP over SSL: Yes
Node.js out of the box: Yes
PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, and TCL: Yes
Drush: Yes
PHP Features
Multiple PHP Versions: Yes
Custom php.ini / .user.ini support: Yes
Laravel: Yes
Symfony: Yes
Composer: Yes
IonCube: Yes
Control Panel Features
Subdomains: Unlimited
FTP Accounts: Unlimited
Control Panel Subusers: Unlimited
Backup/Restore Manager: Yes
Cron Jobs: Yes
DNS Manager: Yes
Resource Limits
Dedicated CPU Cores: 12 cores
CPU Limit per Process: 60 seconds*
Dedicated RAM: 32 GB
Simultaneous Processes: 200*
WebApps Processes: 500
Inode Limit: 500,000*
24/7 Email and Ticket Support: Yes
15-minutes Response Time Guarantee: Yes
Free Site Migration: Yes
Account and Billing
Increasing Discount Rates: Yes
Money-Back Guarantee: 15 days
Minimum Contract Period: 1 month
Separate Websites: 1
Parked Domains: Unlimited
Domain Registration: Free
Can Host ANY Domain: Yes
White-labelling: Yes
Available in Europe, America, and Asia: Yes